No Matches
RE::hkpLinkedCollidable Class Reference

#include <hkpLinkedCollidable.h>

Inheritance diagram for RE::hkpLinkedCollidable:
RE::hkpCollidable RE::hkpCdBody


struct  CollisionEntry

Public Attributes

hkArray< CollisionEntrycollisionEntries
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::hkpCollidable
std::int8_t ownerOffset
std::uint8_t forceCollideOntoPpu
std::uint16_t shapeSizeOnSpu
hkpTypedBroadPhaseHandle broadPhaseHandle
BoundingVolumeData boundingVolumeData
float allowedPenetrationDepth
std::uint32_t pad6C
- Public Attributes inherited from RE::hkpCdBody
const hkpShapeshape
hkpShapeKey shapeKey
std::uint32_t pad0C
const void * motion
const hkpCdBodyparent

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from RE::hkpCollidable
enum  BelongsTo : std::uint32_t { kTerrain = 1 << 16 }
enum  CollisionFilterInfo : std::uint32_t { kBelongsTo = 0xFFFF0000 , kCollidesWith = 0x0000FFFF }
enum class  ForceCollideOntoPpuReasons { kUserRequest = 1 << 0 , kShapeRequest = 1 << 1 , kModifierRequest = 1 << 2 , kShapeUnchecked = 1 << 3 }
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::hkpCollidable
COL_LAYER GetCollisionLayer () const
void * GetOwner () const
template<class T >
T * GetOwner () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from RE::hkpCdBody
const hkpShapeGetShape () const

Member Data Documentation

◆ collisionEntries

hkArray<CollisionEntry> RE::hkpLinkedCollidable::collisionEntries

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