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ActorState.h File Reference

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class  RE::ActorState
struct  RE::ActorState::ActorState1
struct  RE::ActorState::ActorState2


namespace  RE


enum class  RE::ACTOR_LIFE_STATE : std::uint32_t {
  RE::kAlive = 0 , RE::kDying = 1 , RE::kDead = 2 , RE::kUnconcious = 3 ,
  RE::kReanimate = 4 , RE::kRecycle = 5 , RE::kRestrained = 6 , RE::kEssentialDown = 7 ,
  RE::kBleedout = 8
enum class  RE::ATTACK_STATE_ENUM : std::uint32_t {
  RE::kNone = 0 , RE::kDraw = 1 , RE::kSwing = 2 , RE::kHit = 3 ,
  RE::kNextAttack = 4 , RE::kFollowThrough = 5 , RE::kBash = 6 , RE::kBowDraw = 8 ,
  RE::kBowAttached = 9 , RE::kBowDrawn = 10 , RE::kBowReleasing = 11 , RE::kBowReleased = 12 ,
  RE::kBowNextAttack = 13 , RE::kBowFollowThrough = 14 , RE::kFire = 15 , RE::kFiring = 16 ,
  RE::kFired = 17
enum class  RE::FLY_STATE : std::uint32_t {
  RE::kNone = 0 , RE::kTakeOff = 1 , RE::kCruising = 2 , RE::kHovering = 3 ,
  RE::kLanding = 4 , RE::kPerching = 5 , RE::kAction = 6
enum class  RE::KNOCK_STATE_ENUM : std::uint32_t {
  RE::kNormal = 0 , RE::kExplode = 1 , RE::kExplodeLeadIn = 2 , RE::kOut = 3 ,
  RE::kOutLeadIn = 4 , RE::kQueued = 5 , RE::kGetUp = 6 , RE::kDown = 7 ,
  RE::kWaitForTaskQueue = 8
enum class  RE::SIT_SLEEP_STATE : std::uint32_t { RE::kNormal = 0 , RE::kWantToSit = 1 , RE::kWaitingForSitAnim = 2 , RE::kIsSitting = 3 }
enum class  RE::WEAPON_STATE : std::uint32_t {
  RE::kSheathed = 0 , RE::kWantToDraw = 1 , RE::kDrawing = 2 , RE::kDrawn = 3 ,
  RE::kWantToSheathe = 4 , RE::kSheathing = 5