No Matches
RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U > Class Template Reference

#include <NiTListBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >:
RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::backward_iterator< U > RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::forward_iterator< U >

Public Types

using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
using value_type = U
using pointer = U *
using reference = U &
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag

Public Member Functions

constexpr iterator_base () noexcept
constexpr iterator_base (Node *a_node) noexcept
constexpr iterator_base (const iterator_base &a_rhs) noexcept
constexpr iterator_base (iterator_base &&a_rhs) noexcept
 ~iterator_base () noexcept
constexpr iterator_baseoperator= (const iterator_base &a_rhs) noexcept
constexpr iterator_baseoperator= (iterator_base &&a_rhs) noexcept
constexpr reference operator* () const noexcept
constexpr pointer operator-> () const noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (const iterator_base &a_rhs) const noexcept
constexpr bool operator!= (const iterator_base &a_rhs) const noexcept

Protected Attributes



class NiTListBase< T, Allocator >

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ difference_type

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
using RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t

◆ iterator_category

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
using RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag

◆ pointer

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
using RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::pointer = U*

◆ reference

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
using RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::reference = U&

◆ value_type

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
using RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::value_type = U

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ iterator_base() [1/4]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::iterator_base ( )

◆ iterator_base() [2/4]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::iterator_base ( Node a_node)

◆ iterator_base() [3/4]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::iterator_base ( const iterator_base< U > &  a_rhs)

◆ iterator_base() [4/4]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::iterator_base ( iterator_base< U > &&  a_rhs)

◆ ~iterator_base()

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::~iterator_base ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator!=()

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr bool RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator!= ( const iterator_base< U > &  a_rhs) const

◆ operator*()

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr reference RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator* ( ) const

◆ operator->()

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr pointer RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator-> ( ) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr iterator_base & RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator= ( const iterator_base< U > &  a_rhs)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr iterator_base & RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator= ( iterator_base< U > &&  a_rhs)

◆ operator==()

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
constexpr bool RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::operator== ( const iterator_base< U > &  a_rhs) const

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ NiTListBase< T, Allocator >

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
friend class NiTListBase< T, Allocator >

Member Data Documentation

◆ _cur

template<class Allocator , class T >
template<class U >
Node* RE::NiTListBase< Allocator, T >::iterator_base< U >::_cur

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