No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#include "RE/B/BSAtomic.h"
5#include "RE/B/BSTArray.h"
6#include "RE/B/BSTEvent.h"
7#include "RE/B/BSTHashMap.h"
8#include "RE/B/BSTSingleton.h"
9#include "RE/B/BSTimer.h"
10#include "RE/G/GPtr.h"
12namespace RE
14 class GFxMovieView;
15 class IMenu;
16 class MenuModeChangeEvent;
17 class MenuOpenCloseEvent;
19 namespace UIImpl
20 {
21 template <class, class = void>
23 std::false_type
24 {};
26 template <class T>
28 T,
29 std::void_t<decltype(T::MENU_NAME)>> :
30 std::true_type
31 {};
33 template <class T>
36 std::remove_cv_t<T>>
37 {};
39 template <class T>
42 template <class T>
43 struct is_menu_ptr :
44 std::is_convertible<
45 std::remove_cv_t<T>,
46 IMenu*>
47 {};
49 template <class T>
50 inline constexpr bool is_menu_ptr_v = is_menu_ptr<T>::value;
51 }
53 class UI :
54 public BSTSingletonSDM<UI>, // 000
55 public BSTEventSource<MenuOpenCloseEvent>, // 008
56 public BSTEventSource<MenuModeChangeEvent>, // 060
57 public BSTEventSource<void*> // 0B8 MenuModeCounterChangedEvent/TutorialEvent
58 {
59 public:
60 using Create_t = IMenu*();
63 {
64 public:
65 // members
68 };
69 static_assert(sizeof(UIMenuEntry) == 0x10);
71 static UI* GetSingleton();
73 template <class T>
74 void AddEventSink(BSTEventSink<T>* a_sink);
76 template <class T>
78 GPtr<IMenu> GetMenu(const std::string_view& a_menuName);
79 GPtr<GFxMovieView> GetMovieView(const std::string_view& a_menuName);
82 bool IsItemMenuOpen() const;
83 bool IsMenuOpen(const std::string_view& a_menuName);
84 bool IsModalMenuOpen() const;
85 bool IsPauseMenuDisabled() const;
86 bool IsSavingAllowed() const;
87 bool IsShowingMenus() const;
89 void Register(const std::string_view& a_menuName, Create_t* a_creator);
91 template <class T>
92 void RemoveEventSink(BSTEventSink<T>* a_sink);
93 void ShowMenus(bool a_show);
94 void GetTopMostMenu(RE::IMenu** a_result, std::uint32_t a_depthLimit);
96 template <
97 class T,
98 std::enable_if_t<
99 std::conjunction_v<
102 int> = 0>
104 {
105 return GPtr<T>(static_cast<T*>(GetMenu(T::MENU_NAME).get()));
106 }
108 template <
109 class T,
110 std::enable_if_t<
111 UIImpl::is_menu_ptr_v<T*>,
112 int> = 0>
113 GPtr<T> GetMenu(const std::string_view& a_menuName)
114 {
115 return GPtr<T>(static_cast<T*>(GetMenu(a_menuName).get()));
116 }
118 // members
122 std::uint32_t numPausesGame; // 160 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x00001)
123 std::uint32_t numItemMenus; // 164 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x02000)
124 std::uint32_t numDisablePauseMenu; // 168 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x00080)
125 std::uint32_t numAllowSaving; // 16C (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x00800)
126 std::uint32_t numDontHideCursorWhenTopmost; // 170 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x04000)
127 std::uint32_t numCustomRendering; // 174 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x08000)
128 std::uint32_t numApplicationMenus; // 178 (= 0) += 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x20000)
129 bool modal; // 17C (= 0) = 1 if (imenu->flags & 0x00010)
130 std::uint8_t pad17D; // 17D
131 std::uint16_t pad17E; // 17E
133 bool menuSystemVisible; // 1C0
134 bool closingAllMenus; // 1C1
135 std::uint16_t pad1C2; // 1C2
136 std::uint32_t pad1C4; // 1C4
137#ifdef SKYRIMVR
138 std::uint32_t unk1C8; // 1C8
139 std::uint32_t unk1CA; // 1CA
141 private:
143 };
144#ifndef SKYRIMVR
145 static_assert(sizeof(UI) == 0x1C8);
147 static_assert(sizeof(UI) == 0x1D0);
150 template <class T>
152 {
153 GetEventSource<T>()->AddEventSink(a_sink);
154 }
156 template <class T>
158 {
159 return static_cast<BSTEventSource<T>*>(this);
160 }
162 template <class T>
164 {
165 GetEventSource<T>()->RemoveEventSink(a_sink);
166 }
#define KEEP_FOR_RE()
Definition PCH.h:518
Definition BSAtomic.h:92
Definition BSTArray.h:378
Definition BSTEvent.h:185
Definition BSTEvent.h:19
void RemoveEventSink(Sink *a_eventSink)
Definition BSTEvent.h:106
Definition BSTHashMap.h:21
Definition BSTimer.h:6
Definition GPtr.h:7
Definition IMenu.h:64
Definition UI.h:58
std::uint32_t numPausesGame
Definition UI.h:122
bool IsCursorHiddenWhenTopmost() const
std::uint16_t pad17E
Definition UI.h:131
std::uint32_t pad1C4
Definition UI.h:136
bool IsApplicationMenuOpen() const
bool IsMenuOpen(const std::string_view &a_menuName)
bool IsSavingAllowed() const
std::uint32_t numApplicationMenus
Definition UI.h:128
static UI * GetSingleton()
BSTArray< GPtr< IMenu > > menuStack
Definition UI.h:119
IMenu *() Create_t
Definition UI.h:60
bool IsModalMenuOpen() const
bool closingAllMenus
Definition UI.h:134
void RemoveEventSink(BSTEventSink< T > *a_sink)
Definition UI.h:163
bool modal
Definition UI.h:129
BSTHashMap< BSFixedString, UIMenuEntry > menuMap
Definition UI.h:120
bool IsShowingMenus() const
std::uint32_t numCustomRendering
Definition UI.h:127
std::uint32_t numAllowSaving
Definition UI.h:125
std::uint32_t numDontHideCursorWhenTopmost
Definition UI.h:126
bool IsPauseMenuDisabled() const
bool IsItemMenuOpen() const
GPtr< IMenu > GetMenu(const std::string_view &a_menuName)
bool menuSystemVisible
Definition UI.h:133
BSTimer uiTimer
Definition UI.h:132
void Register(const std::string_view &a_menuName, Create_t *a_creator)
std::uint32_t numItemMenus
Definition UI.h:123
std::uint16_t pad1C2
Definition UI.h:135
std::uint32_t numDisablePauseMenu
Definition UI.h:124
void GetTopMostMenu(RE::IMenu **a_result, std::uint32_t a_depthLimit)
GPtr< T > GetMenu()
Definition UI.h:103
bool IsUsingCustomRendering() const
BSTEventSource< T > * GetEventSource()
Definition UI.h:157
void ShowMenus(bool a_show)
bool GameIsPaused()
std::uint8_t pad17D
Definition UI.h:130
GPtr< GFxMovieView > GetMovieView(const std::string_view &a_menuName)
GPtr< T > GetMenu(const std::string_view &a_menuName)
Definition UI.h:113
BSSpinLock processMessagesLock
Definition UI.h:121
void AddEventSink(BSTEventSink< T > *a_sink)
Definition UI.h:151
constexpr bool has_menu_name_v
Definition UI.h:40
constexpr bool is_menu_ptr_v
Definition UI.h:50
Definition AbsorbEffect.h:6
Definition EffectArchetypes.h:65
Definition BSTSingleton.h:50
Definition UI.h:24
Definition UI.h:37
Definition UI.h:47
Definition UI.h:63
GPtr< IMenu > menu
Definition UI.h:66
Create_t * create
Definition UI.h:67