No Matches
REX::Enum< E, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for REX::Enum< E, U >, including all inherited members.

Enum() noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >
Enum(const Enum &) noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >
Enum(Enum &&) noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >
Enum(Enum< E, U2 > a_rhs) noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
Enum(E a_value) noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
enum_type typedefREX::Enum< E, U >
get() const noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
operator bool() const noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inlineexplicit
operator*() const noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
operator=(const Enum &) noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >
operator=(Enum &&) noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >
operator=(Enum< E, U2 > a_rhs) noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
operator=(E a_value) noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
operator==REX::Enum< E, U >friend
operator==REX::Enum< E, U >friend
operator==REX::Enum< E, U >friend
underlying() const noexceptREX::Enum< E, U >inline
underlying_type typedefREX::Enum< E, U >
~Enum() noexcept=defaultREX::Enum< E, U >