No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#include "RE/A/AITimeStamp.h"
5#include "RE/B/BSTHashMap.h"
6#include "RE/B/BSTList.h"
8#include "RE/F/FormTypes.h"
9#include "RE/T/TESForm.h"
10#include "RE/T/TESFullName.h"
12#include "RE/T/TESTexture.h"
14namespace RE
16 class TESCondition;
17 class PackageLocation;
43 static_assert(sizeof(FACTION_DATA) == 0x4);
46 {
47 public:
48 // members
49 bool arrest; // 00
50 bool attackOnSight; // 01
51 std::uint16_t murderCrimeGold; // 02
52 std::uint16_t assaultCrimeGold; // 04
53 std::uint16_t trespassCrimeGold; // 06
54 std::uint16_t pickpocketCrimeGold; // 08
55 std::uint16_t pad0A; // 0A
56 float stealCrimeGoldMult; // 0C
57 std::uint16_t escapeCrimeGold; // 10
58 std::uint16_t werewolfCrimeGold; // 12
59 };
60 static_assert(sizeof(FACTION_CRIME_DATA_VALUES) == 0x14);
63 {
64 public:
65 // members
70 BGSListForm* crimeGroup; // 20 - CRGR
71 BGSOutfit* jailOutfit; // 28 - JOUT
73 std::uint32_t pad44; // 44
74 };
75 static_assert(sizeof(FACTION_CRIME_DATA) == 0x48);
78 {
79 public:
80 // members
81 std::uint16_t startHour; // 0
82 std::uint16_t endHour; // 2
83 std::uint32_t locationRadius; // 4
84 bool buysStolen; // 8
85 bool notBuySell; // 9
86 bool buysNonStolen; // A
87 std::uint8_t padB; // B
88 };
89 static_assert(sizeof(FACTION_VENDOR_DATA_VALUES) == 0xC);
92 {
93 public:
94 // members
96 std::uint32_t pad0C; // 0C
101 std::uint32_t lastDayReset; // 30
102 std::uint32_t pad34; // 34
103 };
104 static_assert(sizeof(FACTION_VENDOR_DATA) == 0x38);
107 {
108 public:
109 // members
112 TESTexture textureInsignia; // 10 - INAM - unused
113 };
114 static_assert(sizeof(RANK_DATA) == 0x20);
117 public TESForm, // 000
118 public TESFullName, // 020
119 public TESReactionForm // 030
120 {
121 public:
122 inline static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_TESFaction;
123 inline static constexpr auto VTABLE = VTABLE_TESFaction;
124 inline static constexpr auto FORMTYPE = FormType::Faction;
127 {
128 enum ChangeFlag : std::uint32_t
129 {
132 kFactionCrimeCounts = (std::uint32_t)1 << 31
133 };
134 };
137 {
138 enum RecordFlag : std::uint32_t
139 {
140 kDeleted = 1 << 5,
141 kIgnored = 1 << 12
142 };
143 };
145 ~TESFaction() override; // 00
147 // override (TESForm)
148 void InitializeData() override; // 04
149 void ClearData() override; // 05
150 bool Load(TESFile* a_mod) override; // 06
151 void SaveGame(BGSSaveFormBuffer* a_buf) override; // 0E
152 void LoadGame(BGSLoadFormBuffer* a_buf) override; // 0F
153 void Revert(BGSLoadFormBuffer* a_buf) override; // 12
154 void InitItemImpl() override; // 13
156 [[nodiscard]] bool CanBeOwner() const;
157 [[nodiscard]] bool CanPayCrimeGold() const;
158 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetCrimeGold() const;
159 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetCrimeGoldNonViolent() const;
160 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetCrimeGoldViolent() const;
161 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetInfamy() const;
162 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetInfamyNonViolent() const;
163 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetInfamyViolent() const;
164 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetStolenItemValueCrime() const;
165 [[nodiscard]] std::int32_t GetStolenItemValueNoCrime() const;
166 [[nodiscard]] bool HasSpecialCombatState() const;
167 [[nodiscard]] bool HasStealMultiplier() const;
168 [[nodiscard]] bool HiddenFromNPC() const;
169 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresAssault() const;
170 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresMurder() const;
171 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresPickpocket() const;
172 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresStealing() const;
173 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresTrespass() const;
174 [[nodiscard]] bool IgnoresWerewolf() const;
175 bool IsFactionInCrimeGroup(const TESFaction* a_other) const;
176 [[nodiscard]] bool IsPlayerEnemy() const;
177 [[nodiscard]] bool IsPlayerExpelled() const;
178 [[nodiscard]] bool IsVendor() const;
179 void ModCrimeGold(std::int32_t a_amount, bool a_violent);
180 bool OffersServices() const;
181 void PlayerPayCrimeGold(bool a_removeStolenItems = true, bool a_goToJail = true);
182 [[nodiscard]] bool ReportsCrimesAgainstMembers() const;
183 void SendPlayerToJail(bool a_removeInventory = true, bool a_realJail = true);
184 void SetAlly(TESFaction* a_other, bool a_selfIsFriendToOther = false, bool a_otherIsFriendToSelf = false);
185 void SetCrimeGold(std::int32_t a_gold);
186 void SetCrimeGoldViolent(std::int32_t a_gold);
187 void SetEnemy(TESFaction* a_other, bool a_selfIsNeutralToOther = false, bool a_otherIsNeutralToSelf = false);
188 void SetFactionFightReaction(TESFaction* a_faction, FIGHT_REACTION a_fightReaction);
189 [[nodiscard]] bool TracksCrimes() const;
190 [[nodiscard]] bool UsesCrimeGoldDefaults() const;
192 // members
194 FACTION_DATA data; // 058 - DATA
195 std::uint32_t pad05C; // 05C
199 std::int32_t majorCrime; // 0F0
200 std::int32_t minorCrime; // 0F4
202 float pcEnemyFlagTimeStamp; // 0FC - current game time in hours
203 private:
205 };
206 static_assert(sizeof(TESFaction) == 0x100);
#define KEEP_FOR_RE()
Definition PCH.h:518
Definition BGSListForm.h:11
Definition BGSLoadFormBuffer.h:11
Definition BGSOutfit.h:11
Definition BGSSaveFormBuffer.h:8
Definition BSTList.h:10
Definition BSTHashMap.h:21
Definition PackageLocation.h:11
Definition TESCondition.h:992
Definition TESFaction.h:120
void SetEnemy(TESFaction *a_other, bool a_selfIsNeutralToOther=false, bool a_otherIsNeutralToSelf=false)
bool IsFactionInCrimeGroup(const TESFaction *a_other) const
bool HiddenFromNPC() const
bool IsVendor() const
~TESFaction() override
std::int32_t GetInfamy() const
std::int32_t GetInfamyNonViolent() const
bool UsesCrimeGoldDefaults() const
std::int32_t GetStolenItemValueNoCrime() const
bool OffersServices() const
BSTHashMap< const TESNPC *, std::uint32_t > * crimeGoldMap
Definition TESFaction.h:193
void PlayerPayCrimeGold(bool a_removeStolenItems=true, bool a_goToJail=true)
void InitItemImpl() override
std::int32_t minorCrime
Definition TESFaction.h:200
void InitializeData() override
BSSimpleList< RANK_DATA * > rankData
Definition TESFaction.h:198
static constexpr auto RTTI
Definition TESFaction.h:122
std::int32_t GetStolenItemValueCrime() const
std::int32_t GetCrimeGoldNonViolent() const
bool IgnoresPickpocket() const
bool IgnoresWerewolf() const
void SetFactionFightReaction(TESFaction *a_faction, FIGHT_REACTION a_fightReaction)
void SendPlayerToJail(bool a_removeInventory=true, bool a_realJail=true)
void ClearData() override
bool IgnoresAssault() const
static constexpr auto VTABLE
Definition TESFaction.h:123
bool ReportsCrimesAgainstMembers() const
void SetCrimeGoldViolent(std::int32_t a_gold)
void ModCrimeGold(std::int32_t a_amount, bool a_violent)
void SetCrimeGold(std::int32_t a_gold)
bool IgnoresMurder() const
bool TracksCrimes() const
bool IsPlayerEnemy() const
AITimeStamp resistArrestTimeStamp
Definition TESFaction.h:201
bool IgnoresStealing() const
bool Load(TESFile *a_mod) override
std::int32_t GetInfamyViolent() const
std::int32_t GetCrimeGoldViolent() const
void LoadGame(BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
bool IsPlayerExpelled() const
bool HasStealMultiplier() const
Definition TESFaction.h:196
void SaveGame(BGSSaveFormBuffer *a_buf) override
Definition TESFaction.h:197
static constexpr auto FORMTYPE
Definition TESFaction.h:124
bool CanBeOwner() const
std::int32_t majorCrime
Definition TESFaction.h:199
bool IgnoresTrespass() const
void Revert(BGSLoadFormBuffer *a_buf) override
std::uint32_t pad05C
Definition TESFaction.h:195
void SetAlly(TESFaction *a_other, bool a_selfIsFriendToOther=false, bool a_otherIsFriendToSelf=false)
bool HasSpecialCombatState() const
bool CanPayCrimeGold() const
Definition TESFaction.h:194
float pcEnemyFlagTimeStamp
Definition TESFaction.h:202
std::int32_t GetCrimeGold() const
Definition TESFile.h:17
Definition TESForm.h:40
Definition TESFullName.h:9
Definition TESObjectREFR.h:106
Definition TESReactionForm.h:19
Definition TESTexture.h:10
Definition AbsorbEffect.h:6
constexpr REL::ID RTTI_TESFaction(static_cast< std::uint64_t >(513906))
constexpr std::array< REL::ID, 3 > VTABLE_TESFaction
Definition Offsets_VTABLE.h:12824
Definition FightReactions.h:6
Definition AITimeStamp.h:6
Definition TESFaction.h:46
std::uint16_t assaultCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:52
std::uint16_t pad0A
Definition TESFaction.h:55
std::uint16_t escapeCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:57
std::uint16_t murderCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:51
std::uint16_t trespassCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:53
std::uint16_t pickpocketCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:54
std::uint16_t werewolfCrimeGold
Definition TESFaction.h:58
bool arrest
Definition TESFaction.h:49
bool attackOnSight
Definition TESFaction.h:50
float stealCrimeGoldMult
Definition TESFaction.h:56
Definition TESFaction.h:63
TESObjectREFR * factionWaitMarker
Definition TESFaction.h:67
std::uint32_t pad44
Definition TESFaction.h:73
Definition TESFaction.h:72
BGSListForm * crimeGroup
Definition TESFaction.h:70
BGSOutfit * jailOutfit
Definition TESFaction.h:71
TESObjectREFR * factionStolenContainer
Definition TESFaction.h:68
TESObjectREFR * factionPlayerInventoryContainer
Definition TESFaction.h:69
TESObjectREFR * factionJailMarker
Definition TESFaction.h:66
Definition TESFaction.h:20
Flag flags
Definition TESFaction.h:41
Definition TESFaction.h:22
@ kIgnoresCrimes_Stealing
Definition TESFaction.h:31
@ kPlayerIsExpelled
Definition TESFaction.h:26
@ kTrackCrime
Definition TESFaction.h:28
@ kCanBeOwner
Definition TESFaction.h:37
@ kHiddenFromNPC
Definition TESFaction.h:24
@ kSpecialCombat
Definition TESFaction.h:25
@ kNone
Definition TESFaction.h:23
@ kPlayerIsEnemy
Definition TESFaction.h:27
@ kIgnoresCrimes_Werewolf
Definition TESFaction.h:38
@ kDoNotReportCrimesAgainstMembers
Definition TESFaction.h:33
@ kIngoresCrimes_Trespass
Definition TESFaction.h:32
@ kCrimeGold_UseDefaults
Definition TESFaction.h:34
@ kIgnoresCrimes_Murder
Definition TESFaction.h:29
@ kVendor
Definition TESFaction.h:36
@ kIgnoresCrimes_Assult
Definition TESFaction.h:30
@ kIgnoresCrimes_Pickpocket
Definition TESFaction.h:35
Definition TESFaction.h:78
bool notBuySell
Definition TESFaction.h:85
bool buysStolen
Definition TESFaction.h:84
bool buysNonStolen
Definition TESFaction.h:86
std::uint16_t endHour
Definition TESFaction.h:82
std::uint32_t locationRadius
Definition TESFaction.h:83
std::uint16_t startHour
Definition TESFaction.h:81
std::uint8_t padB
Definition TESFaction.h:87
Definition TESFaction.h:92
TESObjectREFR * merchantContainer
Definition TESFaction.h:100
std::uint32_t lastDayReset
Definition TESFaction.h:101
Definition TESFaction.h:95
std::uint32_t pad34
Definition TESFaction.h:102
TESCondition * vendorConditions
Definition TESFaction.h:98
std::uint32_t pad0C
Definition TESFaction.h:96
PackageLocation * vendorLocation
Definition TESFaction.h:97
BGSListForm * vendorSellBuyList
Definition TESFaction.h:99
Definition TESFaction.h:107
TESTexture textureInsignia
Definition TESFaction.h:112
BSFixedString femaleRankTitle
Definition TESFaction.h:111
BSFixedString maleRankTitle
Definition TESFaction.h:110
Definition TESFaction.h:127
Definition TESFaction.h:129
@ kFactionFlags
Definition TESFaction.h:130
@ kFactionReactions
Definition TESFaction.h:131
@ kFactionCrimeCounts
Definition TESFaction.h:132
Definition TESFaction.h:137
Definition TESFaction.h:139
@ kIgnored
Definition TESFaction.h:141
@ kDeleted
Definition TESFaction.h:140