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1#pragma once
3namespace RE
5 class TESForm;
6 class BGSKeyword;
7 class BGSLocationRefType;
8 class BGSAction;
9 class BGSTextureSet;
10 class BGSMenuIcon;
11 class TESGlobal;
12 class TESClass;
13 class TESFaction;
14 class BGSHeadPart;
15 class TESEyes;
16 class TESRace;
17 class TESSound;
18 class BGSAcousticSpace;
19 class EffectSetting;
20 class Script;
21 class TESLandTexture;
22 class EnchantmentItem;
23 class SpellItem;
24 class ScrollItem;
25 class TESObjectACTI;
26 class BGSTalkingActivator;
27 class TESObjectARMO;
28 class TESObjectBOOK;
29 class TESObjectCONT;
30 class TESObjectDOOR;
31 class IngredientItem;
32 class TESObjectLIGH;
33 class TESObjectMISC;
34 class BGSApparatus;
35 class TESObjectSTAT;
36 class BGSStaticCollection;
37 class BGSMovableStatic;
38 class TESGrass;
39 class TESObjectTREE;
40 class TESFlora;
41 class TESFurniture;
42 class TESObjectWEAP;
43 class TESAmmo;
44 class TESNPC;
45 class TESLevCharacter;
46 class TESKey;
47 class AlchemyItem;
48 class BGSIdleMarker;
49 class BGSNote;
50 class BGSConstructibleObject;
51 class BGSProjectile;
52 class BGSHazard;
53 class TESSoulGem;
54 class TESLevItem;
55 class TESWeather;
56 class TESClimate;
57 class BGSShaderParticleGeometryData;
58 class BGSReferenceEffect;
59 class TESRegion;
60 class NavMeshInfoMap;
61 class TESObjectCELL;
62 class TESObjectREFR;
63 class Actor;
64 class Character;
65 class PlayerCharacter;
66 class MissileProjectile;
67 class ArrowProjectile;
68 class GrenadeProjectile;
69 class BeamProjectile;
70 class FlameProjectile;
71 class ConeProjectile;
72 class BarrierProjectile;
73 class Hazard;
74 class TESWorldSpace;
75 class TESObjectLAND;
76 class NavMesh;
77 class TESTopic;
78 class TESTopicInfo;
79 class TESQuest;
80 class TESIdleForm;
81 class TESPackage;
82 class DialoguePackage;
83 class TESCombatStyle;
84 class TESLoadScreen;
85 class TESLevSpell;
86 class TESObjectANIO;
87 class TESWaterForm;
88 class TESEffectShader;
89 class BGSExplosion;
90 class BGSDebris;
91 class TESImageSpace;
92 class TESImageSpaceModifier;
93 class BGSListForm;
94 class BGSPerk;
95 class BGSBodyPartData;
96 class BGSAddonNode;
97 class ActorValueInfo;
98 class BGSCameraShot;
99 class BGSCameraPath;
100 class BGSVoiceType;
101 class BGSMaterialType;
102 class BGSImpactData;
103 class BGSImpactDataSet;
104 class TESObjectARMA;
105 class BGSEncounterZone;
106 class BGSLocation;
107 class BGSMessage;
108 class BGSRagdoll;
109 class BGSDefaultObjectManager;
110 class BGSLightingTemplate;
111 class BGSMusicType;
112 class BGSFootstep;
113 class BGSFootstepSet;
114 class BGSStoryManagerBranchNode;
115 class BGSStoryManagerQuestNode;
116 class BGSStoryManagerEventNode;
117 class BGSDialogueBranch;
118 class BGSMusicTrackFormWrapper;
119 class TESWordOfPower;
120 class TESShout;
121 class BGSEquipSlot;
122 class BGSRelationship;
123 class BGSScene;
124 class BGSAssociationType;
125 class BGSOutfit;
126 class BGSArtObject;
127 class BGSMaterialObject;
128 class BGSMovementType;
129 class BGSSoundDescriptorForm;
130 class BGSDualCastData;
131 class BGSSoundCategory;
132 class BGSSoundOutput;
133 class BGSCollisionLayer;
134 class BGSColorForm;
135 class BGSReverbParameters;
136 class BGSLensFlare;
138 enum class FormType
139 {
140 None = 0, // 00 NONE TESForm
141 PluginInfo, // 01 TES4
142 FormGroup, // 02 GRUP
143 GameSetting, // 03 GMST
144 Keyword, // 04 KYWD BGSKeyword
145 LocationRefType, // 05 LCRT BGSLocationRefType
146 Action, // 06 AACT BGSAction
147 TextureSet, // 07 TXST BGSTextureSet
148 MenuIcon, // 08 MICN BGSMenuIcon
149 Global, // 09 GLOB TESGlobal
150 Class, // 0A CLAS TESClass
151 Faction, // 0B FACT TESFaction
152 HeadPart, // 0C HDPT BGSHeadPart
153 Eyes, // 0D EYES TESEyes
154 Race, // 0E RACE TESRace
155 Sound, // 0F SOUN TESSound
156 AcousticSpace, // 10 ASPC BGSAcousticSpace
157 Skill, // 11 SKIL
158 MagicEffect, // 12 MGEF EffectSetting
159 Script, // 13 SCPT Script
160 LandTexture, // 14 LTEX TESLandTexture
161 Enchantment, // 15 ENCH EnchantmentItem
162 Spell, // 16 SPEL SpellItem
163 Scroll, // 17 SCRL ScrollItem
164 Activator, // 18 ACTI TESObjectACTI
165 TalkingActivator, // 19 TACT BGSTalkingActivator
166 Armor, // 1A ARMO TESObjectARMO
167 Book, // 1B BOOK TESObjectBOOK
168 Container, // 1C CONT TESObjectCONT
169 Door, // 1D DOOR TESObjectDOOR
170 Ingredient, // 1E INGR IngredientItem
171 Light, // 1F LIGH TESObjectLIGH
172 Misc, // 20 MISC TESObjectMISC
173 Apparatus, // 21 APPA BGSApparatus
174 Static, // 22 STAT TESObjectSTAT
175 StaticCollection, // 23 SCOL BGSStaticCollection
176 MovableStatic, // 24 MSTT BGSMovableStatic
177 Grass, // 25 GRAS TESGrass
178 Tree, // 26 TREE TESObjectTREE
179 Flora, // 27 FLOR TESFlora
180 Furniture, // 28 FURN TESFurniture
181 Weapon, // 29 WEAP TESObjectWEAP
182 Ammo, // 2A AMMO TESAmmo
183 NPC, // 2B NPC_ TESNPC
184 LeveledNPC, // 2C LVLN TESLevCharacter
185 KeyMaster, // 2D KEYM TESKey
186 AlchemyItem, // 2E ALCH AlchemyItem
187 IdleMarker, // 2F IDLM BGSIdleMarker
188 Note, // 30 NOTE BGSNote
189 ConstructibleObject, // 31 COBJ BGSConstructibleObject
190 Projectile, // 32 PROJ BGSProjectile
191 Hazard, // 33 HAZD BGSHazard
192 SoulGem, // 34 SLGM TESSoulGem
193 LeveledItem, // 35 LVLI TESLevItem
194 Weather, // 36 WTHR TESWeather
195 Climate, // 37 CLMT TESClimate
196 ShaderParticleGeometryData, // 38 SPGD BGSShaderParticleGeometryData
197 ReferenceEffect, // 39 RFCT BGSReferenceEffect
198 Region, // 3A REGN TESRegion
199 Navigation, // 3B NAVI NavMeshInfoMap
200 Cell, // 3C CELL TESObjectCELL
201 Reference, // 3D REFR TESObjectREFR
202 ActorCharacter, // 3E ACHR Actor / Character / PlayerCharacter
203 ProjectileMissile, // 3F PMIS MissileProjectile
204 ProjectileArrow, // 40 PARW ArrowProjectile
205 ProjectileGrenade, // 41 PGRE GrenadeProjectile
206 ProjectileBeam, // 42 PBEA BeamProjectile
207 ProjectileFlame, // 43 PFLA FlameProjectile
208 ProjectileCone, // 44 PCON ConeProjectile
209 ProjectileBarrier, // 45 PBAR BarrierProjectile
210 PlacedHazard, // 46 PHZD Hazard
211 WorldSpace, // 47 WRLD TESWorldSpace
212 Land, // 48 LAND TESObjectLAND
213 NavMesh, // 49 NAVM NavMesh
214 TLOD, // 4A TLOD
215 Dialogue, // 4B DIAL TESTopic
216 Info, // 4C INFO TESTopicInfo
217 Quest, // 4D QUST TESQuest
218 Idle, // 4E IDLE TESIdleForm
219 Package, // 4F PACK TESPackage / DialoguePackage
220 CombatStyle, // 50 CSTY TESCombatStyle
221 LoadScreen, // 51 LSCR TESLoadScreen
222 LeveledSpell, // 52 LVSP TESLevSpell
223 AnimatedObject, // 53 ANIO TESObjectANIO
224 Water, // 54 WATR TESWaterForm
225 EffectShader, // 55 EFSH TESEffectShader
226 TOFT, // 56 TOFT
227 Explosion, // 57 EXPL BGSExplosion
228 Debris, // 58 DEBR BGSDebris
229 ImageSpace, // 59 IMGS TESImageSpace
230 ImageAdapter, // 5A IMAD TESImageSpaceModifier
231 FormList, // 5B FLST BGSListForm
232 Perk, // 5C PERK BGSPerk
233 BodyPartData, // 5D BPTD BGSBodyPartData
234 AddonNode, // 5E ADDN BGSAddonNode
235 ActorValueInfo, // 5F AVIF ActorValueInfo
236 CameraShot, // 60 CAMS BGSCameraShot
237 CameraPath, // 61 CPTH BGSCameraPath
238 VoiceType, // 62 VTYP BGSVoiceType
239 MaterialType, // 63 MATT BGSMaterialType
240 Impact, // 64 IPCT BGSImpactData
241 ImpactDataSet, // 65 IPDS BGSImpactDataSet
242 Armature, // 66 ARMA TESObjectARMA
243 EncounterZone, // 67 ECZN BGSEncounterZone
244 Location, // 68 LCTN BGSLocation
245 Message, // 69 MESG BGSMessage
246 Ragdoll, // 6A RGDL BGSRagdoll
247 DefaultObject, // 6B DOBJ BGSDefaultObjectManager
248 LightingMaster, // 6C LGTM BGSLightingTemplate
249 MusicType, // 6D MUSC BGSMusicType
250 Footstep, // 6E FSTP BGSFootstep
251 FootstepSet, // 6F FSTS BGSFootstepSet
252 StoryManagerBranchNode, // 70 SMBN BGSStoryManagerBranchNode
253 StoryManagerQuestNode, // 71 SMQN BGSStoryManagerQuestNode
254 StoryManagerEventNode, // 72 SMEN BGSStoryManagerEventNode
255 DialogueBranch, // 73 DLBR BGSDialogueBranch
256 MusicTrack, // 74 MUST BGSMusicTrackFormWrapper
257 DialogueView, // 75 DLVW
258 WordOfPower, // 76 WOOP TESWordOfPower
259 Shout, // 77 SHOU TESShout
260 EquipSlot, // 78 EQUP BGSEquipSlot
261 Relationship, // 79 RELA BGSRelationship
262 Scene, // 7A SCEN BGSScene
263 AssociationType, // 7B ASTP BGSAssociationType
264 Outfit, // 7C OTFT BGSOutfit
265 ArtObject, // 7D ARTO BGSArtObject
266 MaterialObject, // 7E MATO BGSMaterialObject
267 MovementType, // 7F MOVT BGSMovementType
268 SoundRecord, // 80 SNDR BGSSoundDescriptorForm
269 DualCastData, // 81 DUAL BGSDualCastData
270 SoundCategory, // 82 SNCT BGSSoundCategory
271 SoundOutputModel, // 83 SOPM BGSSoundOutput
272 CollisionLayer, // 84 COLL BGSCollisionLayer
273 ColorForm, // 85 CLFM BGSColorForm
274 ReverbParam, // 86 REVB BGSReverbParameters
275 LensFlare, // 87 LENS BGSLensFlare
276 LensSprite, // 88 LSPR
277 VolumetricLighting, // 89 VOLI BGSVolumetricLighting
279 Max // 8A
280 };
282 [[nodiscard]] std::string_view FormTypeToString(FormType a_formType) noexcept;
283 [[nodiscard]] FormType StringToFormType(std::string_view a_formType);
286namespace std
288 [[nodiscard]] inline std::string to_string(RE::FormType a_formType)
289 {
290 return RE::FormTypeToString(a_formType).data();
291 }
294#ifdef FMT_VERSION
295namespace fmt
297 template <>
298 struct formatter<RE::FormType>
299 {
300 template <class ParseContext>
301 constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& a_ctx)
302 {
303 return a_ctx.begin();
304 }
306 template <class FormatContext>
307 auto format(const RE::FormType& a_formType, FormatContext& a_ctx) const
308 {
309 return fmt::format_to(a_ctx.out(), "{}", RE::FormTypeToString(a_formType));
310 }
311 };
315#ifdef __cpp_lib_format
316namespace std
318 template <class CharT>
319 struct formatter<RE::FormType, CharT> : std::formatter<std::string_view, CharT>
320 {
321 template <class FormatContext>
322 auto format(RE::FormType a_formType, FormatContext& a_ctx)
323 {
324 return formatter<std::string_view, CharT>::format(RE::FormTypeToString(a_formType), a_ctx);
325 }
326 };
Definition ActorValueInfo.h:20
Definition AlchemyItem.h:24
Definition Explosion.h:23
Definition Hazard.h:16
Definition NavMesh.h:14
Definition Projectile.h:30
Definition ReferenceEffect.h:12
Definition Script.h:25
Definition AbsorbEffect.h:6
FormType StringToFormType(std::string_view a_formType)
std::string_view FormTypeToString(FormType a_formType) noexcept
Definition FormTypes.h:139
@ StoryManagerBranchNode
@ ShaderParticleGeometryData
void parse(char *col, char &x)
Definition csv.h:1037
Definition EffectArchetypes.h:65
std::string to_string(RE::EffectArchetype a_archetype)
Definition EffectArchetypes.h:66