No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
3#ifdef SKYRIMVR
4# include "RE/B/BSTArray.h"
5# include "RE/B/BSTHashMap.h"
6# include "RE/B/BSVRInterface.h"
7# include "RE/N/NiNode.h"
9namespace RE
11 class BSOpenVR : public BSVRInterface
12 {
13 public:
14 inline static constexpr auto RTTI = RTTI_BSOpenVR;
16 struct Unk238
17 {
18 // members
19 std::uint64_t unk00; // 00
20 std::uint64_t unk08; // 08
21 std::uint64_t unk10; // 10
22 std::uint64_t unk18; // 18
23 std::uint64_t unk20; // 20
24 std::uint64_t unk28; // 28
25 std::uint64_t unk30; // 30
26 std::uint64_t unk38; // 38
27 };
28 static_assert(sizeof(Unk238) == 0x40);
30 // override
31 void InitializeVR() override; // 00
32 void ShutdownVR() override; // 01
33 void PostPresentHandoff() override; // 02
34 void Submit(void* a_directXTextureHandle) override; // 03 - SubmitForEye, except the logic runs for both eyes
35 void SubmitForEye(vr::EVREye a_eye, void* a_directXTextureHandle) override; // 04
36 void SetTrackingSpaceAsStanding() override; // 05 - { VR_GetIVRCompositor_140C57880()->SetTrackingSpace(TrackingUniverseStanding) }
37 void SetTrackingSpaceAsSeated() override; // 06 - { VR_GetIVRCompositor_140C57880()->SetTrackingSpace(TrackingUniverseSeated) }
38 void Unk_07(void) override; // 07
39 void GetProjectionRaw(vr::EVREye a_eEye, float* a_pfLeft, float* a_pfRight, float* a_pfTop, float* a_pfBottom) override; // 08
40 NiTransform* GetEyeToHeadTransform(NiTransform& a_out, bool getRightEye) override; // 09
41 NiTransform* Unk_0A(NiTransform& a_out, bool getRightController, bool a_unk1) override; // 0A
42 void Unk_0B(void) override; // 0B - Process VR events?
43 vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t GetTrackedDeviceIndexForHMD() override; // 0C - { return vr::k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd; }
44 vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t GetTrackedDeviceIndexForHand(bool getRightHand) override; // 0D - { return vrSystem->GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(isRightHand + 1); } Can return invalid role if not 0 or 1
45 void TriggerHapticPulse(bool doRightController, float duration) override; // 0E - Trigger haptics for X * 4,000 microseconds (250 = 1 second)
46 void Unk_0F(void) override; // 0F
47 void Unk_10(void) override; // 10
48 void Unk_11(void) override; // 11 - { return 0; }
49 void Unk_12(void) override; // 12
50 void Unk_13() override; // 13
51 NiPointer<NiNode>* GetControllerNode(RE::NiPointer<NiNode>& a_out, Hand a_hand) override; // 14
52 void Unk_15(void) override; // 15 - { return 0; }
53 HMDDeviceType GetHMDDeviceType() override; // 16 - { return hmdDeviceType; }
54 NiPointer<NiNode>* CreateControllerNode(RE::NiPointer<NiNode>& a_out, Hand a_hand) override; // 17
56 static BSOpenVR* GetSingleton();
58 static vr::IVRCompositor* GetIVRCompositor();
59 static vr::IVROverlay* GetIVROverlay(Unk190* a_unk190);
60 static vr::IVRRenderModels* GetIVRRenderModels();
61 static vr::IVRSettings* GetIVRSettings();
62 static vr::IVRSystem* GetIVRSystem();
64 // members
65 vr::IVRSystem* vrSystem; // 208
66 void* unk210; // 210
67 std::uint64_t unk218; // 218
68 std::uint64_t unk220; // 220
69 std::uint64_t unk228; // 228
70 NiPointer<NiSourceTexture> unk230; // 230 - name is SIMPLE_NORMAL_MAP
71 Unk238 unk238[4]; // 238
72 std::uint64_t unk338; // 380
73 std::uint64_t unk340[9]; // 340
74 NiPointer<NiNode> controllerNodes[Hand::kTotal]; // 388 - Cloned for PlayerCharacter's LeftValveIndexControllerNode/RightValveIndexControllerNode
75 HMDDeviceType hmdDeviceType; // 398 - Set by comparing TrackedSystemName to "lighthouse", "oculus" and "holographic". Defaults to "lighthouse" if none match
76 NiTransform eyeToHeadTransform[2]; // 39C - 0 is left eye, 1 is right eye
77 private:
79 };
80 static_assert(sizeof(BSOpenVR) == 0x408);
#define KEEP_FOR_RE()
Definition PCH.h:518
Definition NiSmartPointer.h:9
constexpr REL::ID GetSingleton(static_cast< std::uint64_t >(10878))
Definition AbsorbEffect.h:6
constexpr REL::Offset RTTI_BSOpenVR(0x01F5FC78)